



如果你也是在周六(6月24号)的下午来到宝龙酒家,你就会听到两位潇洒的先生正在激情澎湃的合唱《海阔天空》,他们正是亚洲商会董事长Gary Chen和Howard Hong Wei先生。高昂的歌声让人莫名地就涌起一股雄心壮志!想去冲,想去闯,想去勇敢的面对风浪,去做出一番豪情伟业!

这一天正是俄亥俄州亚洲商会(ABAO)举办夏日酒会的日子。每年的六月份,亚洲商会都会为广大商家提供相互交流,沟通联谊的机会。这一次夏日酒会就是继2022年,举办夏日酒会之后的第二年。借鉴了以往的经验,今年的酒会在商会会长蒋磊律师总指挥下,在GOS公司董事Rebecca Zhang副会长的总策划下,不但找到了一处既适合吃饭表演,又适合社交聊天的场地。她还贴心的为大家准备了卡拉OK等唱歌跳舞的娱乐活动。我们的名誉董事长汤年发先生也在会前动情演讲,一方面为ABAO做广告吸引会员,另一方面为酒会热场活跃气氛!很多老朋友借此机会呼朋唤友倾情叙旧,很多新朋友也是热情友好的互通信息,交流行业心得。仅管只有短短的三个小时,近50位受邀宾朋都是意犹未尽,恋恋不舍。




Successful Conclusion of Ohio Asian Business Association (ABAO) Summer Wine Gathering

Reported by: Li Feng, Lei Jiang


The Ohio Asian Business Association (ABAO) recently hosted its Summer Wine Gathering , a highly successful event that not only connected Asian American business persons from Cleveland, Columbus, and surrounding cities but also attracted aspiring Asian American entrepreneurs. The party received substantial support and sponsorship from prominent figures in the business community, notably led by Gary Chen and Annie, the Chairman couple of the Baijia Group.


The ambiance of the event was set with the powerful and passionate duet performance of "Sea and Sky" by Chairman Gary Chen and Mr. Howard Hong Wei. Their stirring voices filled the room, igniting a sense of ambition and an eagerness to face challenges and achieve great success.


The ABAO Summer party has become an annual gathering, offering a platform for businesses to network and foster communication among one another. Building on the success of the previous year's event, this year's party was meticulously planned under the guidance of ABAO’s President and Attorney Lei Jiang, with the overall coordination led by Vice President Rebecca Zhang from GOS Company. The chosen venue provided an ideal setting for dining, performances, and socializing. Thoughtful arrangements, such as karaoke and dancing activities, were made to ensure everyone had a delightful and engaging experience.


The event commenced with an impassioned speech by Honorary Chairman Mr. Nianfa Tang, who not only promoted ABAO to attract new members but also succeeded in generating an enthusiastic and lively atmosphere for the party. Attendees, comprising both old acquaintances and new connections, seized the opportunity to reminisce and exchange industry insights. Despite the event's duration of just three hours, the nearly 50 invited guests were left wanting more, cherishing the connections they made, and the memories shared.


The party’s success was not solely attributable to the careful planning and leadership. The full support and dedicated efforts of the executive directors of the committee played a crucial role. Rebecca Zhang efficiently hosted the event, while Mr. Tang handled publicity with great finesse. Ms. Li Feng warmly welcomed guests, ensuring everyone felt valued and included. Vice President Jing Zhang and Wing Fox skillfully managed the front desk and accounting, ensuring smooth operations. Ms. Yun He and Mr. Ke Li captured the event's essence as photographers. Ms. Lily Janke, Ms. Melissa Guo, and Mr. Kecheng Liu delivered exceptional catering services, tantalizing attendees' taste buds. Additionally, the lively performances by the waist drum team, represented by Mr. Xin, and the square dance team, represented by Ms. Feng Li, further animated the atmosphere. The highlight of the evening was the remarkable performance by Ms. Zhiqiang Wang, the recent gold medalist in the National Singing Competition, who serenaded the audience with her powerful vocals.


The party provided a platform for  businesspeople thriving in Ohio's business landscape and those seeking to explore new ventures or combine their passions with their work. The Ohio Asian Business Association welcomes businesspeople  from all backgrounds, offering an opportunity to connect, collaborate, and create new horizons in Ohio's business realm.


In conclusion, the Ohio Asian Business Association's Summer Wine Gathering proved to be an exceptional event that fostered connections, celebrated achievements, and inspired the next generation of Asian American entrepreneurs. Through unity and collective effort, ABAO continues to strive for an expansive and prosperous business landscape in Ohio.